Together have sponsored three rooms within the new building totalling £105,000, with the company donating even more money to the charity.

Cheadle-based Together has offered specialist personal and business loans for 50 years. This is the third donation that we have received from the company, which has previously sponsored a counselling room and a family breakout room for the new hospice building through their staff’s fundraising efforts.

With this new donation of £50,000, we will also be building a family overnight room in our new hospice site in Heald Green.

Emma Dixon, Director of Clinical Services at St Ann’s Hospice, says: “I want to thank Together for the incredible amount of money they have raised to go to our new hospice.

“The difference these rooms will make to our patients, our families and our staff here at the hospice is indescribable.

“The counselling room will allow for a comfortable room for patients, families and those that need our support, to meet their counsellors and to receive one-to-one support in a comfortable and safe environment.

“The family breakout area is much-needed for our hospice. Our current build has no private areas for families, meaning families are often crowded together in a bay with other patients and families, or put into a side room where there is no space at all.

“This breakout area will allow patients and families to celebrate being with each other to spend valuable time together and do normal fun activities that families would do if they were at home.

“The overnight room, which is Together’s third donation, will be incredible for the new building. For many patients an overnight stay with their families is really needed to allow them to spend time together as a family and spend time with their loved ones at what is quite often one of the hardest times they will experience.

“Patients will now be able to stay in a comfortable and safe environment, either with family members staying with them or just down the corridor from them. The difference this room will make will be unbelievable so thank you Together Money for this incredible donation.”

The Build it Together campaign, which launched in June 2022, has already raised more than £800,000 and we’re urging people across Greater Manchester to get involved.

Sarah Nield, Group Chief Compliance Officer at Together, said: “St Ann’s Hospice provides exceptional support to patients and their loved ones who are going through the hardest of times, and we are proud to play our part in supporting them in the creation of this new overnight room.

“Supporting a local charity is very important to us and we’re so glad to provide St Ann’s with the much-needed funds to build the counselling room, the breakout area and now the overnight room.”

The long-term project at St Ann’s Hospice will transform the end-of-life care experience for future generations of patients. To find out more information on how you can help with our Build It Together appeal, see here.